Our Scripture reading today is 2 Thessalonians 3:13, "But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing."
As we daily seek to be in and do the will of God for our lives, we can become spiritually and physically tired. It is very important for each of Christ's followers to worship before work. This statement is referring to our daily walk with God. In order to function properly in this world we need a daily dose of the Word of God as well as time for prayer and praise.  As part of this dose of truth, we need to meditate on it as well as reading it.  Our Bible reading and prayer time should not be the only time of the day when we think about God and His Word.  He desires to commune with us during the day.  His Spirit will provide all the "energy" we need if we will follow His leading.  When we are weak, God is strong!