Our Scripture verse for today is: "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him."
Ecclesiastes 3:14
After reading this verse this morning, I decided to go a different direction than the scheduled reading for today. 
The all sufficiency of our Heavenly Father is the theme of this verse. He is all powerful and worthy of our praise and worship. The promises He has made will all be fulfilled. Regardless of how hard the enemy tries, he cannot defeat our God. This is especially seen in the greatest gift of God, eternal life. Anyone that receives His gift by faith will never be forsaken. It is called eternal life for a reason. "It shall be forever."  Our eternal home is secure in the promise of John 14. Where our Saviour is, we will be also. Heaven is waiting for all the followers of Jesus Christ. Amen!
Please re-read the verse and pay close attention to the first two words: "I know..." Solomon believed what follows.  Do we believe?  Do we have strong faith that God is keeping and will continue to keep His Word? 
He is almighty and unchangeable!