Our Scripture reading today is James 1:2, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;"
While the trials of life are not typically asked for, it is inevitable that they will come.  These difficulties come with a specific purpose.  The following verses tell us exactly what comes through these temptations or trials.  Since we fall into them, it would seem there is no way to avoid them.  Our daily walk with the Lord we help us navigate the good days and bad days.

Patience is the ancient Greek word hupomone.  "This word does not describe a passive waiting but an active endurance. It isn’t so much the quality that helps you sit quietly in the doctor’s waiting room, as it is the quality that helps you finish a marathon."  The more temptations-trials we have in life the more patience is being built up in us to finish our course with joy.  We can rejoice in the trials of today knowing there is patience coming for whatever God has for us tomorrow.