Our Scripture reading today is Daniel 1:6-8.
Verse 8, "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself."
At a young age, Daniel lays the groundwork to stay faithful to the One true God.  "Daniel purposed in his heart."  The word purposed means "to put, to place."  Daniel made a decision before a decision had to be made.  He had already purposed what he would and would not do.  He lived his life on and with purpose.  
It is very obvious that we are living in uncertain days.  This year has brought with it many changes to our daily lives.  Whether they knew it was coming or not, Daniel and his three friends experienced drastic changes when they were taken captive by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonians.  In spite of the sudden and drastic change, Daniel had already purposed in his heart how he was going to live his life.
Do you live your life on and with purpose?  Have you made some decisions before it was time to make the decisions?  While the days ahead might seem uncertain, our God never changes!  He is worthy of our worship and complete obedience.  I would encourage each of us to purpose now that we are going to stay true to the One true God and His Word.  We will need His grace to stand.