Our Scripture reading today is Luke 13:18-21.
Verse 19, "It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and cast into his garden; and it grew, and waxed a great tree; and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it."
This particular parable can be described in a couple different ways.  It could be speaking of the corruption that is in the kingdom community.  The birds in the trees, if like before, were not for, but against what God was doing.  (Matthew 13)  There is also the interpretation that what is being described here is the growth and spreading influence of the church.  It is still the pillar and ground of the truh.
It is not my purpose to debate which one is correct.  The Lord spoke to my heart immediately upon reading these verses about the size of the mustard seed and that I can move a mountain with mustard seed faith.  It is just after 6am MST here in Heron, MT, and I am looking at some beautiful mountains as I type this.  What can God do with a believer who has faith in Him?   May each of us today ask God for greater faith to believe He can and will do anything but fail in our lives.