Our Scripture reading today is Luke 18:26-27.
Verse 27, "And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
I am quite sure we all know that Heaven is not going to be filled with only "poor" people.  By poor, I am referring to who the world would classify as poor based on their lack of material wealth and possessions.  There are people in the Word of God who were wealthy that humbled themselves and got saved.  We have people like Zacchaeus, Joseph of Arimathea, Solomon, and Barnabas. These all were rich men still able to put God first, not their riches.
No one is beyond the saving power of the blood of Jesus Christ.  He can and will save all who humbly turn to Him for salvation.  It might be someone addicted to drugs or addicted to wealth or in full blown rebellion against all authority.  All of these examples and many more can be saved.  It might seem impossible to us, but it is clearly possible with God.