Our Scripture reading today is Proverbs 26:17, "He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears."
The wisdom Solomon gives in this verse has to do with not getting involved in the strife of other individuals.  It almost always leads to a compounding of the strife.  The end result is compared to grabbing a dog by the ears which typically ends in getting bit once or even several times.
What does one do if they are presented with the strife of others?  Our greatest contribution is done with the Only One Who can make a difference.  The sooner you take the situation to the Lord in prayer and leave it there, the better.  God alone is able to move in the hearts of our family or friends.  As children of God, we are never hopeless.  He continues to be our source of power and wisdom.  If you know of someone in the midst of a family or work quarrel, take time to pray for them today.