Our Scripture reading today is Mark 14:37-40.
Verse 38, "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."
When a lost sinner receives the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour, they are given all the tools necessary to live the victorious Christian life.  Salvation is not the end of a spiritual battle.  In some ways, it is only the beginning.  Every day there is a struggle for who will be King in our lives.  Will I be king or will the Lord Jesus be King?  The Apostle Paul eluded to this struggle in 1 Corinthians 15:31 when we wrote, "I die daily."  The author of more books of the Bible than any other human penman said he had to die to self every single day.  The Lord Jesus challenges these men in the garden in Mark 14 to be prepared.  Little did the Apostle Peter know what temptation was coming in just a few hours.  In this case, he was not ready. Could his denial of the Lord Jesus been avoided if he had been praying and not sleeping?
If these heroes of the faith needed to die to self and be on spiritual guard, why do we start to think we can let up in our Bible reading and prayer time?  Don't believe the lie of the enemy that we can take a few days off from our walk with the Lord.  Temptation is just around the corner.  We must be prepared so we can avoid entering into it.