Our Scripture reading today is Luke 15:17-19.

Verse 17, "And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!"

Finally!!  The prodigal awakens from his foolish slumber and decides it would be far better to go home and be a servant than to continue in the pig pen.  I have been praying this first statement for several individuals for quite some time - "When he came to himself."  This young man snapped out of it and could think clearly again.  He came up with a better way of living than his current predicament.  “In his years of riot he was not himself. It was not the prodigal who was the real man. The real man was the penitent, not the prodigal.” (Morrison)

Do you need to come to yourself this morning?  Do you need to return to your heavenly Father?  Are you praying for someone you love to come to theirselves?  The key to coming to ourselves remains a humble heart.  The key to "waking up" and realizing we need the Father is humility and repentance.  This young man saw that he was headed for complete destruction and he was the reason.  The only hope he had was to turn back to his father.  Our Father is waiting for us today.  Our Father is waiting for the family member or friend you are praying for.  Keep taking their name to the Lord and ask specifically that he or she would come to themselves.