Our Scripture reading today is Luke 14:21-23.

Verse 23, "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

There is an urgency to get as many people as possible to the lord's house in order that they might enjoy the supper that was prepared.  The servants were commanded to "compel" the people to come.  This meant they were to constrain them to come to the supper by conveying how important it was to be there.  There would need to be an element of love in this compelling.  Typically, these outcasts were not welcome at a supper like this.  

It is our responsibility to warn the lost of coming judgment, but also to compel them by faith turn to Jesus Christ for their salvation.  The Gospel message must continue to be delivered by every means possible.  “So if we are to have many sinners saved, we must go out of our own quiet haunts, and go forth into frequented places. We must preach in the street, or at the market-place, or on the village green.” (Spurgeon)

As we go with the Gospel, we must compel all people in love to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and be saved!