Our Scripture reading today is Acts 6:1-4.
Verse 4, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word."
The early church was seeing amazing growth.  This brought about more work and help was needed so the apostles could continue to be faithful to prayer as well as teaching and preaching God's Word.  (Recent sermon on this text: https://vimeo.com/470272823)
We can apply the truths in this verse to our personal lives as well.  The two Godly exercises that are mentioned in verse four are greatly needed to give us the spiritual energy we need to live for God each and every day.  You have heard them mentioned probably almost every Sunday and Wednesday.  One cannot overemphasize the importance of time in prayer and the Word of God, and yet they seem to be the reason for someone leaving the church and backsliding.  The sliding away from God can most of if not all of the time be traced back to not spending in prayer and God's Word.  Let me encourage you to push the re-set button and give some time daily to these exercises.
How important is your spiritual health to you?