Our Scripture reading today is Psalm 1:2-3.
Verse 2, "But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."
It cannot be said too many times. If we are going to be successful in the Christian life, it will be beacuse we immersed ourselves in the Word of God. Time in God's Word is to be seen as a delight and not a chore.
The word delight means pleasure and desire. This is the attitude every Christian needs to have when it comes to their Bible time. There needs to be a desire for more of the Word. The world, the flesh, and the devil are looking to fulfill the desires that can never be filled. God's Word will give us the spiritually nourishment that we need each and every day. The Psalmist says to meditate on God's Word day and night. We often compare God's Word to food. An individual does not eat on Sunday and then not eat again until the next Sunday. All things being equal, we eat food every day. For the most, we delight in eating it. Don't let a 24 period go by without reading and mediating on God's Word. You need the spiritual nourishment for the day ahead.
Your Friend,