Our Scripture reading today is 1 Corinthians 3:6-9.
Verse 8, "Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour."
The comparison is made in this text of our service for the Lord and working in a field. A harvest will not come until there is seed in the ground. We know this to be planting. Once the seed is in the ground, a harvest will not come unless there are several times of watering. The planting and the watering are equally very important to seeing the harvest. The farmer or the servant of the Lord has no control over the harvest. They can do their part, but they are dependent on the Lord of the harvest. In this passage of Scripture, we read that God "giveth the increase."
If we are planting and watering, God WILL bring the increase. He is always faithful and we can put our faith in His Word. In the work of the Lord, harvest time may come when we least expect it. Keep planting and watering. In the work of the Lord, there will be seasons of no fruit. Keep planting and watering. This week at Anchor Baptist, we are doing much planting and watering of the next generation and their families. VBS starts tonight at 6. Please pray with us for God to be glorified and the harvest to come in His time.