Our Scripture reading today is Luke 10:17-20.

Verse 20, "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven."

After having little to no "success" in ministry, the seventy disciples come back with a different report.  Now they are joyful at what was accomplished in the power that Jesus had given to them.  We have the same power in us today to have victory over the world, the flesh and the devil.  “If you dare to live in the risen Christ, you share His empire and all the fruits of His victory over Satan.” (Meyer) 

Notice in verse 20, the truth that Jesus points His disciples to remember.  They were not wrong to rejoice over the current victories, but this rejoicing was to be second place to the rejoicing of knowing Heaven is their eternal home.  “He did not mean in the present instance to censure their joy in their success, but only to make it subordinate to another rejoicing, and to prevent its growing to excess.” (Spurgeon)  

Praise God for the victories of today but praise Him more for the victory of being His child and having eternal life as a present possession.  Our names are written in Heaven!! Hallelujah, what a Saviour!!