Our Scripture reading today is Luke 12:39-40.
Verse 40, "Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not."
As the Lord Jesus continues His time of teaching, He emphasizes the encouraging and the challenging.  It is encouraging to read that He is coming again.  As the days we are living seem to get a little darker, there is great hope in knowing the promise of His return.  It is a promise that every believer can rest in with confidence.  Jesus Christ IS coming again!
There is also an element of challenge in these verses.  It is actually a command that we are to obey.  We are to constantly be ready for the return of the Lord.  Other than one's death, I cannot think of anything more important to be ready for.  Preparedness for the Lord's return comes down to two words: salvation and sanctification.  Have you, by faith, accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour?  We know we need a Saviour when we recognize our sinful condition.  Sin brings death and the Saviour brings life.  Once we are saved, it is important that we allow Christ through His Spirit to begin the work of sanctification.  Salvation is a moment.  Sanctification is a process.  It is a setting apart of the remainder of our lives for the glory of God.  We are saved not only to spend eternity in Heaven, but to serve God until we get there.