Our Scripture reading today is Colossians 3:1-4.
Verse 2, "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."
The Apostle Paul is challenging all followers of Jesus Christ to be eternally minded.  If we are risen with Him, we should turn our attention to making a difference for eternity and turn our attention away from what this world has to offer.  We are to follow the actions of the Lord Jesus.  What did He do following the resurrection?  
1. He left the tomb.  All things have become new for us!  Live like it.
2. He taught His disciples.  The local church is the place to live our lives serving one another.
3. He lived in supernatural power doing the impossible.  God's Spirit is in us and desires to do mighty things through us.
4. He looked forward to Heaven.  We must not put roots down in this country as our citizenship is in Heaven.
Do those 4 points describe your walk with the Lord?  Possibly there is something that needs to change.  Seek the Lord's help today and re-set your affections on Him and things above!