Our Scripture reading today is Luke 12:20-21.
Verse 21, "So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
What kind of investments are you making?  What does your portfolio look like?  I am not a financial advisor, but I have heard and read about making investments and having a diversified portfolio.  I say with an emphatic yes that we should be following Biblical principles with regards to providing for our family.  The text we read this morning brings our attention to spiritual riches.  Do we have an eternal portfolio in place?  What does our account at the 1st National Bank of Heaven look like?
The Lord Jesus is quite clear that to lay up treasure oneself and not be rich toward God is foolish.  How many of God's children are in the same predicament as the rich man in this parable?  By the way, one need not be rich to lay up treasure in Heaven.  Praise the Lord!  
God requires that we be faithful stewards with what He has provided us.  1 Corinthians 4:2, "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."  It does not take talent to be faithful.  It only takes obedience to be faithful.  We have our lives and the finances we have been given to use to be rich toward God.  He will make much out of our little!