Our Scripture reading today is 1 Corinthians 13:12, "For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
Even though we are saved and children of God, this old sinful world makes it difficult to see God for all that He is.  In addition, we are still living in finite bodies that can only comprehend so much.  There will come a day when our knowledge and our view of the Lord Jesus will be unhindered.  In our current state, I am not sure we could handle such information.  “If we knew more of our own sinfulness, we might be driven to despair; if we knew more of God’s glory, we might die of terror; if we had more understanding, unless we had equivalent capacity to employ it, we might be filled with conceit and tormented with ambition. But up there we shall have our minds and our systems strengthened to receive more, without the damage that would come to us here from overleaping the boundaries of order, supremely appointed and divinely regulated.” (Spurgeon)
There will come a day when our faith will become sight when we see Jesus face to face.  The third stanza of the hymn Face to Face says, "What rejoicing in his presence, When are banished grief and pain; When the crooked ways are straightened, And the dark things shall be plain." 
What a day that will be when our Jesus we shall see!