Our Scripture reading today is Proverbs 17:6, "Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers."
This morning we find a challenge and blessing to multiple generations.  Grandfathers and fathers have a responsibilty to live in such a way that those who are following them will have reason to glory in them.  It is only natural for this to take place.  Are we living in such a way that it causes our children and even the children we influence to glory in us?  
It is important that we leave steps of virtue for the next genration to follow in.  We have only a brief period of time to lead our children and grandchildren closer to the LORD.  As we learned yesterday, Noah led his family onto the ark, a place of physical safety and security.  He did not drive them, he led them.  By God's great grace we can see our children and grandchildren loving the LORD and living for Him.  To God be all the glory!