Today’s Scripture reading is Galatians 6:7-9.
Verse 9, "...for in due season, we shall reap..."
We have heard it said over and over again..."In God's timing."  It seems so easy to say, but many times it is difficult to accept.  "Due season" in this verse means an occasion, set or proper time.  When is due season going to come for my family?  When is due season going to come for Anchor Baptist Church?  I am ready for due season now.  
We have all asked these types of questions and made statements like the one mentioned above.  I read last night in Ecclesiastes 3:1, "To every thing there is a season..."  We need to be willing to set our season aside and be willing to accept God's season.  My timing and His normally don't match.  However, I am very thankful that His timing always works out BEST.  He knows when we are ready for His due season.  God is faithful!