Our Scripture reading today is John 15:9-13.
Verse 12, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."
Have you ever been asked to do something that to you was an impossible task?  There are numerous commandments in the Word of God.  Some are more difficult than others to fulfill.  We have the ability to fulfill the commandment in verse 12 due to the love that God has already poured out on us.  It is His love flowing through us to others.  We are not capable of loving in and of ourselves.  
The fully righteous and holy God loves sinners unconditionally.  His Spirit is in indwelling us and is the One Who produces the fruit of love in our lives. (Galatians 5:22)  The love God's Spirit is producing is to be shared with anyone and everyone we come into contact with.  We have no excuse not to love someone.  God is our perfect example and He is producing the love in us we need to obey this commandment.
Ask Him to lead you to someone you love today!