Our Scripture reading today is Genesis 45:4-5.
Verse 5, "Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life."
Even in the many hardships of Joseph's life, he was able to see that God was in complete control and had a purpose for it.  God's purpose overruled the evil decision of his brothers.  Joseph's family and all of Egypt would be provided for because of the decision his brothers made.  God would use it for good and there would be no loss.
Are you able to see that God is in complete control in your life?  We need eyes of faith to believe that whether it is good or bad, God has a specific purpose for it.  His purpose may not be revealed for years and even decades.  It is possible that the full purpose will not be known this side of Heaven.  It is up to us to decide now that whatever God is allowing is all part of His plan.  He is still in the preserving of life business.