Our Scripture reading today is Luke 19:11, "And as they heard these things, he added and spake a parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and because they thought that the kingdom of God should immediately appear."
As they journeyed from Jericho to Jerusalem, there was a high expectation that the Lord Jesus was going to establish His kingdom right then and there. It was very close to Passover and this meant there would be millions of Jews assembling in Jerusalem.  There could not be a more perfect time.  
We know that His kingdom was not established as it was not the right time.  The disciples timing was not in line with the timing of God.  The first coming of the Lord had a completely different purpose than what they were thinking.  George Macdonald wrote, this little rhyme about their expectations.  
They were all looking for a King,
To slay their foes and lift them high.
He came a little baby thing,
That made a woman cry.

Possibly, you were expecting God to have answered a certain prayer by now.  His timing and ways are not always in line with ours, but His are the best for us.  Keep asking, seeking and knocking according to His will!