Today's Scripture reading is Acts 15:24-26.
Verse 26, "men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The word, hazarded (pä-rä-de'-do-me), means to yield up, to surrender.  Barnabas and Paul were no doubt surrendered to Jesus Christ.  They had yielded their lives over to His service and we are still reading about it over 2000 years later.  There are numerous men and women in God's Word who were yielded.  There are numerous heroes of the faith that followed Biblical times that we could also attribute the phrase, "hazarded their lives" to their testimony.  
Are we willing to surrender our lives for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?  How about this...would we be willing surrender today to the Lord Jesus?  Isn't the Lord Jesus worthy of our full surrender?  These questions are not answered primarily by our tongue, but by our feet.  What I mean is, these questions will be answered by our actions.  How many of us used to be surrendered and are now living completely for our will and not His?
This particular stanza of I Surrender All (Judson W. Van DeVenter) was challenging to me this morning.

All to Jesus I surrender,
Lord, I give myself to Thee;
Fill me with Thy love and power,

Let Thy blessing fall on me.