Our Scripture reading today is Romans 13:7, "Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour."
We have a resonsibility to obey the laws of the land as well as honouring the positions of leadership in government.  Christians had to pay taxes in Paul's day.  This text is written to believers who were under the Roman yoke.  Obviously it was a time of taxing when our Saviour was born.  It is not a noble act to look for ways to cheat the governemnt.  We need to be honest, law abiding people.
The admonition in verse 7 goes beyond government to other authority in our lives.  It could be our parents, our employer, or anyone else who is our superior.  We are to give them the honour and respect they are do.  When we submit to someone in authority over us, we are submitting to the LORD.  There is no perfect authority other than God.  Since God has allowed the authotiy in our lives, it is important that we seek to give honour and respect.
Your friend,
P. S.  I am aware that there may come a day when certain authority can no longer be obeyed when it goes against the higher authority of God's Word.