Our Scripture reading today is Acts 16:9-10.
Verse 10, "And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them."
The most important way we can help lost people is to preach the Gospel to them.  The greatest need every human being has is spiritual.  All of the other needs are secondary.  God has already met this great need through His Son, Jesus Christ. (See John 3:16.) 
In our reading today, the Apostle Paul goes where God's Spirit is leading.  It should be mentioned as well that he went without delay.  Who has God been reminding you about?  Stop delaying and contact them today.  May we be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit.  Late last night, I received an email from someone from Anchor Baptist.  This brother explained that yesterday he shared the Gospel with someone and they accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour!  He gave me a little more detail, but the point I am making is that he said, "Then Holy Spirit guided me to preach the Gospel with her."  God wants everyone to be saved.  Who will He lead us to today?
To God be all the glory!