Our Scripture reading today is Romans 12:18, "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men."
Depending on who you surround yourself with, this verse could be quite challenging.  Thankfully, we have the Holy Spirit of God living in us and He provides the ability to live peaceably.  In and of ourselves, we are prone to fight back and get even with people. The Lord Jesus left us with a different example to follow.  Luke 6:27-29, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you. Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you. And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also."
The Scripture does say, "If it be possible..."  There is an indication that it may not always be possible to live peaceably.  Sometimes no matter how much we strive for peace, it is not received by the other individual or individuals.  It is our responsibility to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and do everything we can to be at peace with everyone in our lives.  We need God's help in not adding any fuel to the fire in a relationship where there is little to no peace.