Our Scripture reading today is 1 Thessalonians 5:11, "Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do."
The entire theme of this verse can be summed up in one word, "others".  Part of the reason we are to find a Bible preaching church we can attend is so we can help comfort and edify the family of God.  This is impossible to do if we are only watching a livestream service as our church experience.  While I am thankful we have the livestream, it does not allow those individuals to fulfill what God has called every believer to do.  
A church that is filled with people who are looking for ways to comfort and edify one another will be a church filled with God's love.  When we are living for others and not for self, we are modelling how Jesus Christ lived His life.  “It is clear that in the primitive churches the care of souls was not delegated to an individual officer, or even the more gifted brethren among them; it was a work in which every believer might have a share.” (Hiebert). By God's grace, it is possible to have a church filled with active participants and not just passive spectators.  It is all for the glory of God!
Have a wonderful Friday.