Our Scripture reading today is Luke 7:16-17.
Verse 17, "And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judaea, and throughout all the region round about."
The people had just witnessed a dead man brought back to life. WOW!!  His lifeless body was being carried through town and now he is alive and walking through that same town.  This was obviously not something they had planned to see on this particular day or, for that matter, any day.  They had seen the power of God on display like never before.
How could they not tell others what they had witnessed?  How could they keep this miraculous event to themselves?  We read that word spread and word spread quickly.  I have never seen someone who was dead brought back to life.  I have seen many people who were dead spiritually given life by the power of God.  I have heard the testimonies of hundreds of people who one day met Jesus Christ and they were given eternal life.  I have seen other miracles that can only be attributed to the power of Almighty God.  I am quite sure many of you reading this could say the same.
It is our privilege and responsibility to tell others what Jesus Christ has done in our lives.  We are to be bold and compassionate witnesses for His glory.  Your testimony is unique and can speak to the hearts of many people.  We, who are saved, have experienced a personal miracle and it needs to be shared!