Our Scripture reading today is Isaiah 50:7, "For the Lord GOD will help me; therefore shall I not be confounded: therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed."
The prophet Isaiah writes about what the LORD Jesus would endure so we could be forgiven and have Heaven as our eternal home.  God would be there to help Him.  This fact gave Jesus the confidence and determination to finish the task He was sent to accomplish.  The phrase, "I set my face like a flint," shows us that nothing was going to change His course.  His sights were set on Calvary.  In spite of knowing what was ahead, He went straight to it.  Jesus knew everything that was coming and yet, He courageously suffered in our place.
What does our courage look like today?  Are we courageously living for the One who gave His life that we might have life?  Courageous living comes when we have confidence in our Saviour and King.  If we truly believe He will take care of us, we can live courageously.  Our God has yet to fail and we can be assured He will not start with us.   We can walk courageously in His will today!