Our Scripture reading today is Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."
While the primary application of this verse may be to the nation of Israel, there is an application for us as well.  Rememeber that all of God's Word is profitable.  There is a promise to those who make the LORD their God.  Have you by your own free will made this choice?  The first word of this verse is the promise: "Blessed".  It means that those who choose to make the LORD their God will be happy, joyful people.  
I would like to encourage us to not only pray for those we know but also for our nation of Canada.  Because we serve a loving God, there is always hope for our nation.  Yes, the judgement of God is coming, but His mercy is still in place today.  Please pray with me today for our political leaders to humble themselves and turn to the LORD for salvation.  Please pray with me today for Canadians and those that live in Canada to humble themselves and turn to the LORD for salvation.  Not only is Heaven an eternal promise, but we are also promised a blessed life now.