Our Scripture reading today is Isaiah 53:1-3.
Verse 3, "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not."
The prophet Isaiah is describing what will take place when the Lord Jesus comes to walk in human flesh.  He will live a short but very purposeful life.  He will accomplish everything that His Father sent him to do.  He will be mocked, ridiculed, and eventually crucified.  There could be so much more said about what our Saviour endured.  
I was asked two questions yesterday by a 9 year old boy.  "Did God create Satan and Why did Jesus have to die?"  This young boy has grown up in a home that once was very involved in the Hindu religion.  It is my conclusion that he has not been influenced much if any by Hinduism and in fact has already been exposed to the Gospel and Jesus Christ.  It was my honour and privilege to answer both of his questions from the Word of God. (His father was also present.) After over an hour of going through the Word of God, Jagjot understood both answers but especially why Jesus Christ died.  He bowed his head and received the One Who was rejected!  Glory to God!!
Our Saviour's death, burial and resurrection provided eternal life for a 9 year old boy and he gladly received this gift.  Have you received God's gift of eternal life or are you among the rejectors?  It only takes the faith of a child.