Our Scripture reading today is Psalm 85:6, "Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?"
The best way to start a New Year or even a new day is to rejoice in the Lord!  A rejoicing Christian is a sure sign of a revived Christian.  As we keep God and His will at the centre of our lives, we will be in a continuous state of revival and rejoicing.  This becomes a reality as we walk with Him daily.  God's Word will continual feed our souls providing us with the spiritual energy we need to live each and every day. 
It would behoove us all to take this verse to the Lord today and claim it for our lives.  The reviving we need is not for our own praise, but for the praise and glory of the LORD.  Mr. Spurgeon writes, "Joy in the Lord is the ripest fruit of grace, all revivals and renewals lead up to it. By our possession of it we may estimate our spiritual condition, it is a sure gauge of inward prosperity."
May we look to the LORD for reviving and rejoicing!