Our Scripture reading today is Luke 6:12-13, And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;"
Prior to calling the twelve men who would labour with Him for over three years, the Lord Jesus prays all night.  He spends time alone with His Father in a solitary place.  “Jesus, therefore, to prevent interruption, to give himself the opportunity of pouring out his whole soul, and to avoid ostentation, sought the mountain.” (Spurgeon)  Did He really need to pray for wisdom?  Did He really need to pray for power?  It would appear to me that Jesus chose not to use His infinite wisdom in choosing the disciples.  Instead, He relies on the help of His Father.
There is an example left behind for all of His followers who read this passage of Scripture.  When we are met with a decision and we don't really know the direction to go, what do we do?  I would encourage each one of us to pray and pray often for God's clear leading in the matter.  It is not wise to get ahead of God.  We are called to be His followers not His leaders.  The hymn writer said it best, "Where He leads me, I will follow."  If you need to, take a few moments right now and ask God to lead you in whatever area of life there are questions.  If you mean it, tell Him that you are willing to follow.