Our Scripture reading today is Philippians 2:25-28. 
Verse 28, "I sent him therefore the more carefully, that, when ye see him again, ye may rejoice, and that I may be the less sorrowful."
Epaphroditus was someone who was a blessing to the local church in Philippi as well as the Apostle Paul. He was apparently suffering from a physical ailment which concerned the people greatly.  In verse 27, Paul writes that God had mercy on his fellow brother and servant of the Lord. The prayers of God's people had been answered. Paul knew that seeing Epaphroditus would be a blessing and encouragement to the church in Philippi. 
It ought to be our desire to make a difference for the cause of Jesus Christ. What we say and do are to bring Him glory and honour. I wonder who would rejoice to see us today?  Who are we loving to Jesus Christ today?  There's no doubt Epaphroditus was a servant of servants that we can pattern our lives after.