Our Scripture reading today is Ephesians 4:26-27.
Verse 27, "Neither give place to the devil."
The warning is given by the Apostle Paul that we not allow the devil to have any space in our lives.  He is always looking for a way to infiltrate the plan that God has for us.  He is seeking to divide and destroy while God is seeking to unite and build.  Maybe you have heard the old saying, "Give them an inch and they will take a mile."  It describes someone who takes advantage of the slightest opportunity they are given.  The devil is a prime example of being on the look out for gaining an advantage in your life and mine.  He will use any and all means to destroy all that God is building.
Every day must include a time for evaluation.  We must examine each area of our life to make sure we have not even opened the door a crack for the devil.  By opening the door, I am referring to giving the devil a place in our lives.   The old spiritual song says, "Shut the door...keep out the devil.  Shut the door...keep the devil in the night."  Filter what you are listening to and reading by the Word of God.  Is it God approved?  This will help secure our hearts and minds from the attack of our enemy.  Shut the door!