Our Scripture reading today is Luke 19:1-4.
Verse 4, "And he ran before, and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way."
The Lord Jesus specifically makes his way to the prosperous city of Jericho. He was not going there because it was prosperous, but he was going there for a meeting with the chief tax collector, Zacchaeus.  People were always the mission of Jesus Christ.  The rich and the poor and everyone in between.  Zacchaeus would not have been on any Jews friend list.  They hated men like Zacchaeus for the way they padded their own pockets by adding extra taxes as they deemed necessary.  This is the man the Lord Jesus came to see.
We also see from our text that Zacchaeus had a desire to see the Lord Jesus.  There was a longing in his heart to see Jesus.  It could be that Zacchaeus knew Jesus was willing to accept someone like him.  He had to improvise due to the amount of people wanting to see Jesus and his stature.  By climbing a tree, it would seem he became childlike once again.  This is what it takes for someone to be save...childlike faith.
What is keeping you from being a disciple of Jesus Christ?  Our goal should always be to please God in how we live our lives and the decisions we make.  Today is the day to drop all of your excuses and with childlike faith start being a disciplined learner...a disciple!  If it helps and you are able, go find a nice tree to climb and rejoice in the goodness of God.