Today’s Scripture reading is Exodus 4:1-3.
Verse 2, "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand?"  Moses already had what he needed in his hands.  It needed to be yielded to God.
God has graciously given to us to the tools we need to live a Christ-honouring life.  The moment we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour, we were indwelt by the Holy Spirit.  This means we have a part of the Godhead with us at all times.  This is encouraging and convicting at the same time.  In addition to His Spirit, we have the Word of God.  The Bible is our road map for life.  It should be the place we go to for directions.  The Word of God is also our source of spiritual nourishment and protection.  Finally, God has also given us the local Bible preaching church.  The church is of the utmost importance to our growing in grace.  The church not only serves us but we serve the church.  In fact, this should be our mindset as we are a part of Anchor Baptist Church.  How can I serve the Lord through the church God has for me?  
Today, we don't need to look very far to see all that God has placed in our hands.  We must open our eyes and see the wonderful provision of our God!