Our Scripture reading today is Luke 19:14-15.
Verse 14, "But his citizens hated him, and sent a message after him, saying, We will not have this man to reign over us."
The Lord Jesus makes it clear that not everyone will turn to Him as their king. This verse is not referring to the servants whom He gave the 10 pounds, but to the people of the city.  Quite simply, there were people in His day and in our day that would prefer to rule their own lives.  Proverbs 14:12, "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death."  This verse is repeated in Proverbs 16:25.  The emphasis by the Holy Spirit must not be overlooked.
As we grow in grace, there will be a willingness on our part to yield our plans for God's plans.  There will be a submission on our part to follow His way over our way.  Every day, we will set out to allow God to reign over us.  It is our privilege to serve the King Who makes it possible for us to have joy unspeakable and full of glory!