Our Scripture reading today is Luke 17:20-21.
Verse 20, "And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:"
You can almost imagine this crowd of demanding Pharisees wanting an answer and they wanted it now.  It would more than likely have been a hostile crown that had their own ideas of what the kingdom of God should look like.  What they were observing at this time was not what they had in mind.  Surely the kingdom of God was more than these fisherman and someone from Nazareth.  The Lord Jesus could see right through these Pharisees.  They were not going to receive whatever answer He gave them.
Every time we open the Word of God, we should come with a teachable spirit and attitude.  This attitude should also be brought with us every time we come to church.  My ideas and thoughts should be replaced with His will and His thoughts.  As close as possible, I want to change my way of thinking to be more in line with God's Word.  This will not be an easy task, but it is well worth the effort of yielding.  The Pharisees had it in their mind it must be a certain way or no way.  I must not allow this type of thinking to overcome what God has planned for me.