Our Scripture reading today is Matthew 21:21-22.
Verse 22, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
This one verse of Scripture sums up what prayer is all about.  It reminds us that there is no limit to what we should pray for - "all things."  Don't limit the power of God by not asking for something you think is impossible.  Every day of our lives should be filled with asking God - "ye shall ask".  We are to ask on the behalf of others and on our own behalf.  These prayers are to be made in faith - "believing."  Our prayers are not just words floating up into the sky.  They are given to our Heavenly Father by His Son.  We have access to God through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.  
The last statement of the verse is very encouraging - "ye shall receive."  God answers prayer! God will do His part if and when we do ours.  What is our part?  We must keep asking in faith! James 1:6, "But let him ask in faith..."