Our Scripture reading today is Luke 10:38-40.
Verse 39, "And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word."
After a time of teaching the lawyer and others, Jesus makes His way into the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus.  They were good friend of the Lord Jesus.  One might think He needed a break from the ministry.  As we read in verse 39, the only change was the setting.  Jesus continued teaching and Mary was listening attentively.  “This was the posture of the Jewish scholars, while listening to the instructions of the rabbins. It is in this sense that St. Paul says he was brought up at the FEET of GamalielActs 22:3.” (Clarke)
There is no greater investment of our time than hearing the Word of God.  Although it is an important part, hearing goes beyond listening with our ears to the Bible being read or preached.  We must daily be exposed to the Scriptures in reading, meditating and memorizing.  This will cause our faith to grow which in turn will provide us with the spiritual energy we need to bring Him glory.  Spend more time today at the feet of Jesus.