Our Scripture reading is 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2.
Verse 2, "We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers;"
The memories the Apostle Paul had for the people of Thessalonica brought him to the place of giving God thanks.  “The regularly recurring nature of the thanksgiving is also implied in the use of the present tense of the verb. It is their practice to give thanks to God ‘continually, never skipping a single day.'” (Hiebert)  It was not the easiest of church plants, however, the people were flourishing in their walk with the Lord.  This church like every Bible preaching church was not the work of Paul, but the work of Almighty God. 
Today would be a good day to reflect on your spiritual journey.  Who told you about Jesus Christ?  Who invited you to church and you heard the glorious Gospel?  Who prayed for you to be saved?  We could all come up with one if not more names of people who influenced us or who are influencing us to look to Jesus Christ.  It could be that some are already in Heaven.  Either way, we can give God thanks.  For those who are still living, we can ask God to bless their lives for His glory.