Our Scripture reading today is Galatians 5:1, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
Our world is filled with a desire for freedom.  It is true that in some places the people have little to no freedom.  The Apostle Paul speaks of our standing in liberty.  We are able to come to God through the liberty that Jesus Christ provided for us on the cross.  The payment for our sin was fully made by the shedding of the LORD Jesus sinless blood.  It would have been impossible to earn our way to God.  By faith, we received the freedom that Jesus Christ willing provided for us.
D. L. Moody explained this point by quoting an old former slave woman in the South following the Civil War.  Being a former slave, she was confused about her status and asked: Now is I free, or been I not? When I go to my old master he says I ain’t free, and when I go to my own people they say I is, and I don’t know whether I’m free or not. Some people told me that Abraham Lincoln signed a proclamation, but master says he didn’t; he didn’t have any right to.  Many Christians are confused regarding our liberty and freedom.  Jesus Christ has given them an “Emancipation Proclamation,” but their “old master” tells them they are still slaves to a legal relationship with God. They live in bondage because their “old master” has deceived them.
We are FREE!